Private Sector IR35 Reform News

The non-believers of a ‘worthwhile’ IR35 review are numerous, but gaining ground are those already itemising fixes for the ‘restrictive’ off-payroll rules.

Forget Truss’s off-payroll review, a simple little admission could be all that’s needed to get contractors back to backing 'the party of business.'

Former Treasury chief secretary vows an off-payroll review if she becomes prime minister, much to IPSE’s delight.

A public sector IR35 mistake of a different kind is still an opportunity HMRC probably won’t miss.

Jenner & Co is prepping a report on whether HMRC’s IR35 tool is fit for purpose. Your contribution is wanted.

Contrary to the business department’s claims to justify its action, now would have been the perfect time to solve the UK’s status crisis.

The business department is accused of deafening irony for using the effects of IR35 – ‘cost and uncertainty’ – to justify inaction.

Off-payroll advisers urge limited company workers to take heed of the terms, because courts are shining a light on what’s stated in the written agreement.

On the back of one-time IR35 critic Sajid Javid resigning, the Treasury boss who snubbed directors and imposed 2021’s off-payroll rules walks too, leaving Boris Johnson further in the lurch.

The Public Accounts Committee’s findings are cause to worry for companies, taxpayers and our economy, experts warn.

What MPs on the Public Accounts Committee have recommended; why, and when they want to hear how the taxman is getting on with implementation.

A ‘not doing enough’ taxman is told to stop ‘fiddling’ and find fixes for the ‘structural problems’ in his ‘poorly implemented’ off-payroll rules.

'A kaleidoscope of issues requiring a kaleidoscope of solutions,' is among the realties we tried to impress upon the UK’s DLME.

With the government excluding an employment bill amid ‘rife’ non-compliance, it’s left to Margaret Beels to do what ministers ‘unsurprisingly’ are shirking.

While advisers bicker about a bloody nose or not for the taxman, one limited company director must prepare to have her status picked apart for the fourth time.

‘Freelance’ in many senses of the term they may be, but two HMRC-hit presenters worked very differently to IT contractors.

The radio presenter is found wanting on a range of status factors, to the tune of £140,000.

‘Absolutely sickening’ of government to push bonafide business owners into ‘benefit-less’ employment.

The TV presenter goes off-script to tell viewers what he really thinks of the taxman.

Drilling down into the worrying reality that it’s now harder than ever to work on a contract basis -- courtesy of the taxman.

Penalties being issuable from today for off-payroll non-compliance could scare clients into IR35 status caution.

The mini-Budget untangled, with expert analysis on what the chancellor did and didn’t announce.

‘Nothing much’ new from the chancellor affecting contractors gives pause to tot up how much he’s giving, and taking away.

Contrary to the minister’s letter, the communicating, listening, learning taxman simply didn’t make an appearance before either off-payroll rollout.

Contractors will for once hope advisers are wrong; and HMRC is right -- that it’s ‘too early’ for any extension to be a 'done deal.'

The off-payroll rules are a disaster much of the government’s own making. But as the PAC effectively got told, ‘not to worry.’

The brolly call for evidence is answered with ‘naming and shaming,’ dates and outright bans.

What limited company suppliers should emulate from a celebrity IR35 winner who failed all three key status tests.

‘Part & parcel’ of his own PSC, the tele presenter triumphs despite the taxman going to some ‘scary’ lengths chasing £1.7millon.

Peers follow the NAO in rebuking the government on IR35 reform, but this time around, demand answers to a deadline.