Private Sector IR35 Reform News

Allowance cut is 'small fry in the grand scheme of things,’ but in the Green Book’s small print, the penalisation of PSCs persists.

What three contractor service providers say they’d welcome on Thursday fills one status expert with dread.

Six ways the Treasury boss can restore stability, repair the Tories’ reputation and return contracting to what it does best.

Contractors face a potentially ‘worrying’ and ‘significant’ tax hike that ‘would make operating via PSC even more difficult.’

The new Rishi Sunak-led government’s first litmus test for contractors is a little over two weeks away.

Finding clients, sorting admin, and all while navigating both Brexit and IR35? Contracting abroad isn’t for the faint-hearted, but help is at hand.

Jim Harra letting slip the off-payroll rules benefit HMRC signal that the taxman wasn’t onboard with their repeal, and won’t ever be.

The chancellor going for Budget status, while talking of ‘prudence,’ positions an off-payroll ‘consultation’ as a firmer prospect.

According to people who’ve been in the negotiating room with HM Treasury’s new boss, he’s versatile, open-minded, and not accepting of civil servants' scripts.

Contractor experts try to set aside their concerns, as the ex-chancellor who gave PSCs IR35 reform and next to nothing during covid is coronated Tory leader.

Far from reviewing IR35, Number 10’s next occupant is looking like the chancellor who built on it, with ‘deeply unfair’ reforms.

With the ups and downs on dividends and IR35 over, it’s time for calm financial reflection.

Officials effectively saying ‘as you were’ isn’t a message that can hurt contractors. Not after the ‘crazy situation’ their entire sector has just endured.

Shambolic decision-making by government on the off-payroll rules in recent years, and months, just sunk to a new nonsensical low.

The former Treasury minister says the off-payroll rules reversal may go the way of the corporation tax cancellation vow.

A PSC profits rate of up to 26.5% is back on the cards, following one chancellor’s political collapse, and his successor raising the stakes on limited companies.

Advisers say a chancellor needing to ‘steady the ship’ fortunately doesn’t fit with him U-turning the off-payroll rules’ removal.

Despite formerly directing her own limited company, the BBC host determined IR35 as too ‘complex’ a ‘thing’ for BBC1’s audience.

Seeing no bounce from IR35 reform repeal, job-seekers are warned of exposure to a slowing economy this winter, just as ‘hiring freezes’ begin.

The new government should tackle this pernicious tax policy in the same way it would clear up a financial scandal.

Now the euphoria of the off-payroll rules dying has died down, the reality we all face is little more than known unknowns.

Status experts are divided on whether SDS will survive the repeal, to become a new duty on limited company contractors.

Survival guide to the Off-Payroll Working reforms (not IR35), being revoked.

Calls for a potentially ‘desperate’ taxman to offer PSCs an amnesty don’t get an answer, possibly as Status Determination Statements will come with a post-repeal ‘hangover.’

IR35 dominates a range of expectations for chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng’s first Budget this Friday.

Economic conditions worsening last month just as the covid bounce petered out, saw candidates, and clients, ‘play it safe.’

'Other emergencies' pressing the new PM renders as unlikely a robust or rapid off-payroll review.

Technology recruiter Hays reveals what’s in store for IT contracting in the UK.

MPs identify September 14th or 21st as the day for ‘some very difficult financial decisions’ from the government and its new leader.

What looks ‘unsustainable’ for some employers is working out rather nicely for ‘workers of last resort.’