Private Sector IR35 Reform News

Not reinventing the wheel is fine for just 5% of the business community; for the remaining vast majority, it’ll just perpetuate abject unfairness.

Replies to MPs not according with the status struggles we see day-to-day is proof that the taxman no longer lives in the real world.

Government claims to accept PAC’s recommendations despite one recommendation stemming from fears the taxman’s OPW approach puts off legitimate business activity.

Next time you hear the phrase the ‘party of business,’ you’d be forgiven for asking ‘which party is that then?’

Money matters, but it’s not just costs to consider as an umbrella employee paying to keep your own limited company running. 

In the second leg against another football pundit, HMRC has won hands down, hoisting numerous status red flags for business and contractors to beware.

HMRC no longer being free to continue on as a ‘non-ministerial department’ is important enough to warrant a place in our manifesto – IPSE.

Nine in 10 hiring managers say the legal line between internal employee and contingent worker needs greater clarity.

Chancellor has nothing to say on the ‘onerous and impractical’ HMRC framework linked to ‘deterring legitimate economic activity.’

200,000 out of 360,000 contractors no longer being limited, indicates MPs are right to worry HMRC’s approach to the OPW rules ‘deters economic activity.’

Knock it all you want but Check Employment Status for Tax does exactly what it says on the tin.

Forget the 2021 inquiry by MPs 'How Contracting Should Work,' here's 'Why Contracting Isn't Working' in 2024.

The prolonged pursuit of the Daybreak and Radio 5 Live host is understandably taking its toll on the presenter’s mental health.

IR35 is meant to deter disguised employment, not genuine freelancing, but something has gone badly wrong -- as Adams, Street-Porter and Moore are now finding out.

A technical consultation on the April 6th off-payroll set-off is underway, so contractors can have a say. But be quick.

Top 5 reasons why off-payroll liability clauses on contractors are very likely worth the paper they’re printed on.

Markel responds to claims ‘it’s not right to indicate indemnity clauses against OPW taxes aren’t enforceable.’

Just say ‘No’ and other strategies for not getting caught by the off-payroll rules in the next 12 months.

If what HMRC threw at limited company contractors and end-users in late 2023 is anything to go by, here’s what’s in store in 2024.

The taxman has scored a £300,000 IR35 goal against the former Liverpool defender.

It’s probably only us truly independent contractors who can untie the Gordian knot of off-payroll.

The taxman just missed an opportunity by not denouncing clients who get off the hook by imposing off-payroll indemnities on agencies.

Everything ranging from the taxman conceding to retrospective legislation is being foreseen in wake of the BBC presenter’s court victory.

The biggest study yet into IR35 reform and umbrella companies says regulation is desperately needed, but there’s little hope it’ll emerge at Autumn Statement.

The chancellor’s post is already being reworded by off-payroll critics. My fear is that it’s not the only thing this month from HMT’s boss which will warrant a rewrite.

Forget him trying to improve his off-payroll working tool, the taxman should just rename it, ‘CEST - Cheating Every Self-employed Taxpayer.’

Muted launch mirrors advisers’ muted reactions, as even the most optimistic describe the update as just a ‘step in the right direction.’

Overview to CEST’s update, including what’s not changing, and why we’re all waiting on PGMOL.

It’s not a loophole, nor a golden ticket, but your ‘managed services contract’ as a ‘consultancy’ might be an HMRC investigation-target.

Only a few hours left for workers, umbrellas -- and agencies, to contribute to the government consultation on umbrella company compliance