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IR35 News

From April 6th 2017, IR35 status for Public Sector Contracting will be determined by the client, not the contractor.

For more information on these upcoming changes visit Public Sector Contracting. You can also have a look at what the contractors and industry experts are saying about it in our Public Sector IR35 Forum.

If you are unsure of your IR35 status you can get an IR35 contract review. You can also cover your tax and IR35 risks with IR35 insurance.

There is further IR35 information below.

Bank is the first big client to explore a ‘viable’ way to maintain PSC usage post-2020.

Round two of rules to implement 2020’s off-payroll tax will begin in two weeks.

The domino effect of HSBC’s IR35 plan is underway, as two more clients impose ‘cease and desist’ PSC policies.

Three status experts implore HMRC -- look at what you’ve done before you leap to do more.

Small is complicated, IR35 consultation respondents tell the taxman of his exemption.

‘Both you and us are far from ready for this,’ taxman hears from adviser, accountant and contractor groups.

Dodgy payslips (and damn good sellers) are helping keep the NHS’s rogues in rude health.

Pop-ups, signposts and plainer English among a number of tweaks to the tool.

New IR35 Forum minutes show HMRC knows about trying to insert parties (and clauses) to nullify 2020’s reform.

‘Creditable’ freelancer defeats HMRC’s £124k tax bill, without Substitution and with Mutuality.

HMRC's bid to hold an IR35 enquiry open indefinitely is thwarted using its own vows.

Sixty days to sort your ‘shocking’ limited company engagements stance, MPs tell the corporation.

TV conman is left £150k out of pocket, by judges who ‘didn’t buy his hopeless claims.’

PSCs will agree 2017's ‘lessons haven’t been learned’ but, for 2020, decisions have been taken.

Treasury says CEST is going to change; rejects blanketing as common and denies loan charge link.

A collapse in their talks doesn’t end the unprecedented deal the BBC is getting from HMRC.

Judges join the TV star in annoyed puzzlement at a taxman in 'cloud cuckoo land.'

In passing the buck, executioner HMRC is going to make engagers the 'judge and jury.'

Private sector PSCs get a 'template with tweaks' -- the 2017 rules plus a few bells and whistles.

Not harsh of us to chase non-compliant PSCs, forced or not, says HMRC’s Jim Harra.

Treasury to finally invite ‘views on the detailed design’ of IR35 in the private sector.

The ‘guinea pig’ probe into one PSC, to decide on IR35 for all PSCs, wins two advisers’ backing.

Four ‘false news’ examples on IR35 get picked apart by a recruitment lawyer.

Status expert warns of IR35 investigations having ‘unrelated’ beginnings.

If PSCs had their way, they might do what one adviser suggests -- cut recruiters out.

A muddled IR35 policy is why the broadcaster still hasn’t fixed its dog’s breakfast, says the PAC.

Revenue uses November IR35 Forum to exonerate engagers who don’t decide IR35 case-by-case.

The big announcement of 2018 will have reverberations for many years to come.

On top of ‘refining’ reform, HMRC is now looking at ‘redrafting’ its MOO paper.

‘Emotions may still be running high, but the time for pondering is over.’

Hammond’s IR35 haul to net more in a single year than any other measure in the entire Budget.

‘Very bad’ Budget for contractors, as Hammond hits PSCs ‘very hard indeed.’

Chancellor pushes on with private sector IR35 reform, albeit only from 2020 and just for PSCs at medium or large firms.

"To increase compliance with existing off-payroll working rules (IR35) in the private sector..."

Clients, agencies and PSCs get practical tips if the worst happens on Monday.

MPs, ministers and HMRC position IR35 reform on October 29th as a long shot.

Alerts go out to a taxman who’s increasingly fighting with a barrister, but losing.

UK-EU uncertainty may kick the IR35 reform can down the road to Spring Statement 2019.

The 'can’t get more freelance than me' TV presenter is 'next on the taxman’s chopping block.'

The chancellor omitting IR35 to conference doesn’t mean he’ll omit it on Budget day.