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Contracting News

Like employees, drivers are on course to be a winner on Wednesday, potentially unlike some PSCs who risk being lumped in with vapers.

Despite being legally required to, the taxman taking offline those he ‘named and shamed’ just a short time ago doesn’t give contractors the protection they want - and need.

Top seven year-end tax planning tips contractors can follow right now, to minimise their next HMRC bill.

Lawful or Laughable? Security reforms on the UK register of companies shouldn’t push up prices – just as they shouldn’t be a joke.

Candidate availability at what feels like a three-year high isn’t causing cuts to pay or personnel, even if the ‘r-word’ can historically hurt at renewal.

In a world where limited company tax efficiencies are increasingly few and far between, directors cannot afford to miss this potent £60,000 threshold.

Thinking ‘I’ve Got This’ is too often a sign you’re a bad interviewee -- way before the interview has even started.

Trucks popular with the self-employed will stay as they are, with even new legislation to keep DCPUs in the tax-friendly lane.

Knock it all you want but Check Employment Status for Tax does exactly what it says on the tin.

Resolved: whether limited company contractors should call themselves ‘CEO,’ ‘MD’ on their CV, or just stick to a ‘functional’ tech title.

Forget the 2021 inquiry by MPs 'How Contracting Should Work,' here's 'Why Contracting Isn't Working' in 2024.

The prolonged pursuit of the Daybreak and Radio 5 Live host is understandably taking its toll on the presenter’s mental health.

Chartered accountant Anthony Mellor writes to Jeremy Hunt to appeal for fairness, justice, and compassion for taxpayers affected by the loan charge.

In an insult to ten lives lost, the Treasury’s financial secretary is reading from discredited scripts, when he’s not looking for a soundbite or brushing off MPs’ concerns with claims of scaremongering.

IR35 is meant to deter disguised employment, not genuine freelancing, but something has gone badly wrong -- as Adams, Street-Porter and Moore are now finding out.

Despite an outcry over his effective capital gains rate of just 23%, our PM has set a good example of efficient tax planning.

Our latest confidence index shows contractor daily fees doing well, despite short-term faith in their own ventures dwindling -- IPSE.

The clock is loudly ticking for contractors to review their allowances -- before HMRC calls time for another year.

Tech sector’s ‘weak’ start to 2024 coincides with IT contractor hiring missing the usual New Year bounce back.

What the IT contractor jobs market currently looks like, and why. 

A technical consultation on the April 6th off-payroll set-off is underway, so contractors can have a say. But be quick.

Top 5 reasons why off-payroll liability clauses on contractors are very likely worth the paper they’re printed on.

Landing a software development contract never looked so different, so remove your interview/contract blinkers and gear up.

Where will you spend, save and succeed in tax year 2024-25; and crucially, how?

What limited company contractors need to do to reduce a HMRC liability of £14,476 to not even £9k.

Readers of ContractorUK validate a new IPSE-Workwell study finding clients are getting far too good a deal.

Markel responds to claims ‘it’s not right to indicate indemnity clauses against OPW taxes aren’t enforceable.’

In spite of the dreaded M-word, PSCs probably won’t shed too many tears waving goodbye to P11Ds from April 2026.

How to ensure your client doesn’t become the next HelloFresh, Bank of Ireland or Optionis (Caroola).

Showing passion and purpose for his 60,000 victims, MPs should go down in history for squaring up to an unaccountable, unfair, and uncontrollable taxman.

A feverish sense of fatigue, and it’s not even February? These boosters are at least one New Year’s resolution you can actually stick to.

IT jobs agencies confirm to ContractorUK it’s not just outside that the big freeze is on, unless you’re skilled in emerging tech.

The March 6th odds don’t look good for action on key contractor sector areas like IR35 and umbrella company regulation.

‘Unsuspecting contractors’ alerted to a new company to withdraw from, even if ‘the horse has already bolted.’

Just say ‘No’ and other strategies for not getting caught by the off-payroll rules in the next 12 months.

When market forces are too erratic to fathom, the best mortgage for contractors is entirely based on your now, and what you want from your tomorrow.

Not since July 2020 have prospects for IT contractors looked so ice cold.

The tax-free allowance’s direction of travel indicates contractors could end up at Spring Budget 2024 with just £250.

The UK’s data watchdog says the parent company of Nixon Williams, Parasol and formerly SJD Accountancy breached the GDPR.

The strengths -- worries -- threats and opportunities, incoming for contractors in this uncertain, but now undisputed election year.