Profile picture for user Nikolas Papageorgiou

Nikolas Papageorgiou

Nikolas Papageorgiou has worked at Access Financial since 2015. He is Country Manager for Europe, which involves predominantly working with recruitment agencies and corporate clients who wish to place contractors in Luxembourg, Belgium, The Netherlands, France, Sweden, Norway and Switzerland. 

He lived in France between 1989-1992, worked in Ivory Coast from 2002 to 2014 and has lived in Luxembourg since 2010.

Author Content

High taxes and low economic growth? Both can be offset by ‘la dolce vita.’

5th November, 2018 | Contracting Overseas

Passports and rentals confuse a contractor eying a bigger slice of life with his wife.

17th October, 2018 | Contracting Overseas

Check-in to the Czech Republic, if you like low tax rates with a high standard of living.

26th September, 2018 | Contracting Overseas