Profile picture for user Lucy Smith

Lucy Smith

Lucy has been in the umbrella market since 2013, and has always been an advocate of compliance and transparency in this industry. Offering Clarity by name and by reputation! Clarity Umbrella Ltd

Lucy has sat on numerous HMRC round table events; contributed to the Low Income Tax reform group and is always on hand to provide advice to the ContractorUK forums.

Author Content

An unwieldy IR35 reform consequence that HMRC doesn’t intend for, and is going to snuff out, is creating quite the furore.

Consistency was one of IR35 reform’s silver linings. But without many noticing, it’s now been removed.

With IR35 reform on the horizon, the good, the bad and the ugly brollies are out in force.

23rd June, 2020 | Umbrella Companies

To furlough or not to furlough? That’s the question troubling contractors, and brollies.

Sensible and efficient, the Right to Work changes covering you and your umbrella are in force immediately.

1st April, 2020 | Coronavirus

Despite the IR35 hype, and the Taylor Review fanfare, the SDM’s demise should be quite a quiet affair.

Agency PAYE, umbrella or PSC contractor? You should expect a KID, with these characteristics.

9th October, 2019 | Guide To Agencies

Doing due diligence on umbrellas will come into its own should IR35 change again.

Get to grips with your brolly's deductions and fees so you're covered, not cross.

Lots of talk on expenses belies the mere handful of claims that the T&S rules permit.

From today, T&S tax relief for 'SDC' and IR35 contractors is outlawed.