Profile picture for user Carolyn Walsh

Carolyn Walsh

With over twenty years’ experience in the sector, Carolyn assists freelancers, contractors, agency and umbrella company workers, interpreting tax legislation and guidance with a no-nonsense approach.

Previously, she worked for HM Revenue & Customs and in 2004, was invited to become a stakeholder in all consultation processes relating to tax and the employment status of workers, and the various schemes promoted to them.

She is the managing director of Andraste Accounting Ltd, which provides accountancy services to small businesses and also Oblako Ltd, which advises agency workers on tax compliance and managing an HMRC investigation.

Author Content

As able as it may be at causing belligerent responses, HMRC won’t be keyboard-warriored into changing procedure backed by statute.

It’s been 17 years since they first struck, but the MSC rules getting a guidance refresh should help the contractors of today ‘understand, identify, and respond.’

Knock it all you want but Check Employment Status for Tax does exactly what it says on the tin.

The chancellor’s post is already being reworded by off-payroll critics. My fear is that it’s not the only thing this month from HMT’s boss which will warrant a rewrite.

For the accused under the MSC legislation, simply ignoring the taxman’s seemingly out of the blue offer isn’t really an option.

A call to remove the Sword of Damocles is understandable, even if it shouldn't be aimed at the chancellor.

An employment tribunal order on just one of them to return £29,885 in unlawful deductions should be enough to prompt all brollies into action.

A good initiative? Or a glorified payroll calculator? Fluctuating pay is the real issue that needs attention, or at least acknowledgement.

Workers who jumped into a provider’s partnerships to ‘beat IR35 reform’ could face a Chapter 9 liability from HMRC.

The FTT finding in favour of the Match of the Day presenter will expose a possibly unrecognised IR35 risk for other partnerships.

A clarification, of sorts, from a former tax inspector invited to make a correction, of sorts.

The can’t-pays, won’t-pays and dodgy brolly directors who went straight -- all on the chancellor’s new list of HMRC targets.

No less than ten accounting bodies have found fault with the Revenue, but the UK’s tax overlord is unlikely to even reply.

By claiming PSCs are 90% non-compliant and then making their clients liable, HMRC pulled off a master stroke. Chancellor Kwarteng must act.

‘Just because you can doesn’t mean that you should.’ And other tax/life lessons that Akshata Murty’s status row can teach us.

Why we should all recognise Check Employment Status for Tax as only one of many means to an end.

Despite a long list of ways to apparently reduce your tax fine, the room for manoeuvre is actually very small.

Last night’s story of 'Britain’s Ghost Companies' should compel the taxman to take no more of this pernicious fraud.

A BBC radio show finally tuned in to a long-running problem. But the veracity of the on-air claims are worthy of scrutiny too.

The new kid on the shady block is thanking their lucky stars. But it’s users who will end up far from fortunate.