Websites for Contractors



What are the benefits of having a website for contractors?

New “Off Payroll” (IR35) legislation set to be introduced in April 2021 is likely to have a significant negative impact on the freelance/contractor market. HMRC are set to step up their efforts in enforcing compliance, so you need to be taking steps now to ensure that you are operating compliantly should HMRC open an investigation on your business.

There are several measures that can be taken to help evidence that you are operating as a business in your own right. One such measure is having a website that outlines the range of services that you provide. Surprisingly, few contractors have their own website, particularly when you consider that it is inexpensive to put place.

Once created, it is important to keep the site up to date, so it accurately reflects the services and experience you have to offer prospective clients. Better still, publishing blogs on a regular basis can also prove to HMRC that your website is being used as a proactive marketing tool.

How does having a website help mitigate IR35 Risk?

Having a website can be an important part of contractor’s defence against IR35 investigation. In fact, where such investigations have ended up in the courts, the contractor having a website has formed a key part of evidence in successfully defending the contractor as outside IR35.

Having a website is a pointer towards being in business on your own account and will help demonstrate that you are operating as a real business, rather than merely a ’disguised employee’.

How does having a website enhances your credentials?

Increasingly, clients and recruiters are scouring the web to clarify information provided by potential candidates. With a website, you are in control and provide much more information on your contracting business, compared to the resume service offered by social networking sites. For instance,

  • The services that your business may offer
  • Industries, companies and technologies you have worked with
  • Testimonials from previous client engagements



cukWhat is the process for setting up a website?

The process is simple.

  • Pick your preferred design from our range
  • Provide us with your logo and content
  • We put the site live

If you have all of the content ready, then typically we can have your website up and running within a week.  All of our websites are built on WordPress and are fully mobile responsive website, so optimised for phone and tablet.

What is the cost of a website?

Our highly professional one-page websites are extremely good value at just £399 (plus VAT).  And we have different packages including hosting, email, business cards and logo design to suit everyone’s budget.

Click below to visit our website site and find out more.


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