Call for 'extra push' against EU VAT rules
Contractors and other tiny e-businesses caught by the EU’s VAT rules are being called to take action ahead of what a lobby group says is the most significant meeting on them to date.
The group, EU VAT Action, says it wants such one-man bands to write a letter to their MEP, finance minister or fiscal attaché before these officials attend the meeting next month.
Fortunately, says the group’s Claire Josa, the EU Commission no longer requires proof that the rules are a problem for traders. Details of the problem and solutions are required however.
In fact, the letters should state how the rules affect your business and how the introduction of a threshold - as well as simplifications above that threshold – would help, Ms Josa said.
Appealing to its supporters for this “extra push” ahead of the September meeting, the lobbyist said that if letters on the issue drop off, so too does the desire of officials to act to fix it.
Reflecting to the Mail on Sunday at the weekend, Ms Josa said: “ One of the major discussions [at the meeting] will be how to make the new digital VAT rules workable, so it is the most influential meeting since the start of the campaign.”