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Steve Packham

Steve Packham is a contractor, and founder member, executive committee member and spokesperson for Loan Charge Action Group (LCAG).

Author Content

Treasury exchequer secretary James Murray is the new broom to sweep away the wrongs of Lucy Frazer and her rotten Tory government. And 131 parliamentarians are there to see that he does exactly that.

Signing a commonsense commitment (following this government’s nonsensical approach), is the first step to getting your future MP to do their bit to right a wrong ruining 40,000 lives.

In an insult to ten lives lost, the Treasury’s financial secretary is reading from discredited scripts, when he’s not looking for a soundbite or brushing off MPs’ concerns with claims of scaremongering.

Showing passion and purpose for his 60,000 victims, MPs should go down in history for squaring up to an unaccountable, unfair, and uncontrollable taxman.

Too much meaningless action, over too much time, smacks of a PR-driven taxman not serious about stopping scheme promoters.

His budget wasn’t the time or place, but putting an end to HMRC’s scandalous loan charge must be the job of Jeremy Hunt -- or his successor, in this or the next government.

MPs won’t be the only ones waiting to hear how it is that ‘HMRC manifestly failed to do its duty on an industrial scale’ with agency workers who used umbrella companies.

A review of the whole loan charge debacle, plus resolution for those taxpayers still with us, is the least, decent thing, our next PM should do.

LCAG shares its Christmas wonder: how a nod through in 2018 still has reverberations in almost 2022, with lives lost, ruined and remaining at risk.

We hope the Labour leader joins both us and the many supporters of the mis-sold to resolve this abject tax injustice -- once and for all.

The middle ground is more palatable for the unaffected, but it doesn’t bring finality.

There’s something wrong when he who pushed through the loan charge gets to have oversight of it.

A simple message to coincide with the Spending Review needs your voice to amplify it.

Your chance to help depose Bad King John’s successor by protesting in Runnymede on Saturday.

As misleading maestro Mel gets promoted, his old boss must answer for his own sinister conduct and allegations.