Profile picture for user Nick Hood

Nick Hood

Nick has been an insolvency professional for over thirty years. He specialises in the owner-managed SME sector. He’s committed to finding positive solutions to business problems.

Author Content

An already ticking dormancy clock for some PSCs should now sound deafening, due to a likely change of colour at Number 10 on July 5th.

Dos and don’ts of the application process to officially strike off your PSC.

30th May, 2024 | Limited Companies

Don’t hold your breath, as it’s only the starting pistol to turning around the business turnaround sector which has just been fired.

'Mr White' features in both, but unlike Reservoir Dogs, Manolete Partners v White is a tale of cunning plans, executed with real flair.

The ABA Motors case reinforces throwing everything at the taxman from the start.

Don’t forget the clock is ticking as soon as your company stops trading, and don’t be tempted by a new phoney restructuring wheeze.

1st June, 2023 | Limited Companies

It may be your own business, but Companies House could end up naming it. And that’s even if you did your new director duty of pledging you’ll do no wrong.

1st December, 2022 | Limited Companies

Unfortunately the limited company workload isn’t going to lighten. But this non-negotiable ‘reform’ might have the odd upside.

23rd November, 2022 | Limited Companies

What the taxman gives with one hand as a tax refund to a failed PSC, he will surely try to take back with the other from its director.

Guide for contractors who want to know their ‘PLC’ from their ‘Ltd.’

29th September, 2022 | Limited Companies