Profile picture for user Lynne Gowers

Lynne Gowers

Lynne has been the in-house content strategist and writer at Liquid Friday since May 2016. She has more than fourteen years’ experience in the contractor services industry, six of those in communications and marketing roles.

She is supported by an experienced team of contracting and legislation specialists to produce practical, digestible content for contractors, recruiters and hirers.

Author Content

All eyes are on IR35 and the Loan Charge, yet is it the MSC legislation you need to broach with your brolly?

9th January, 2020 | Umbrella Companies

As banks ban PSCs, it’s time to explore how else to contract. Fortunately, the options aren’t that limited.

25th October, 2019 | Successful Contracting

Answers -- as part of an honest look at the age-old question of what a limited company really is.

15th October, 2019 | Limited Companies

It’s not for the faint-hearted, but it can still pay to know about CT, even if it is your adviser’s job.

3rd September, 2019 | Money