Profile picture for user Leila Ghazzali

Leila Ghazzali

Leila has a background in legal and tax services, having obtained her LLB (Hons) focused in Law and Taxation from Bournemouth University and completed her LPC MSc, Law and Business. Leila uses her knowledge of tax legislation to provide advisory and consultancy services to clients, ensuring that she can apply this to the client’s specific tax requirements. 

Author Content

Even keeping a limited company going is no guarantee of relief, as Allam V HMRC shows.

Tomorrow or the 23rd should give limited company contractors the detail they need to finalise their (hopefully) shortlisted options.

Capital Gains Tax : How it will be scrutinised and potentially hiked as soon as Autumn Budget 2020.

Given the PM’s ‘staggering’ disclosure, the end of the winding-up tax break looks like a case of ‘when not if.’

No matter who wins general election 2019, the winding-up tax break looks like a loser.