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Kate Shoesmith

Kate has been with the Recruitment & Employment Confederation (REC), the UK professional body for recruitment, since March 2013. The REC sets standards for UK recruiters and provides research insights and thought leadership on the labour market.

At the REC, Kate is responsible for campaigns & our work with government, plus our marketing, digital, comms and research teams.

Kate is a spokesperson for the REC, regularly appearing in the UK media and speaking at conferences to talk about the jobs market, employment and skills. She firmly believes how equal access to better skills development opportunities can empower every individual.

Kate has a background in policy and public affairs, in not-for-profit organisations with a focus on skills and employment. She is currently Vice President Europe for the World Employment Confederation (Europe), a non-executive board member for the Recruitment Industry Disability Initiative and a trustee for the homeless charity and membership organisation, the House of St Barnabas.

In 2023 and 2024, Kate appeared in the Top 100 women working in trade associations. She has also previously been a governor for two London further education colleges and an adviser to a number of external forums including Business in the Community, UNESCO Education for All, Youth Employment UK, and Women in Recruitment.

Author Content

The Growth & Skills Levy is one of a few steps in the right direction. Ministers understanding not everyone’s a permie is key to avoid taking us back to square one.

More ‘due diligence’ on umbrella companies is useful - but the truth is that we need regulation and enforcement for things to actually change.

Unworkable -- even harmful, and definitely passing the buck. This quick fix attempt at brolly regulation just won’t do.

Even on the day regulation finally emerges, we’ll still need collective action to win this war.

With ‘pretty much every business saying the skills system in Britain isn’t working,’ the chancellor must act on March 15th.

Amid uncertainty over tax rises, some businesses will have no choice but to consider hiring freezes -- REC.

14th November, 2022 | Successful Contracting