Profile picture for user John Bell

John Bell

John Bell is a Chartered Accountant and a Licensed Insolvency Practitioner.  He founded licensed insolvency practitioners Clarke Bell in 1994 and, to date, the company has conducted over 1,800 MVLs.

Author Content

Overview to tax-efficiently shutting shop, including if there are retained earnings to consider.

24th February, 2022 | Limited Companies

Even some free advice has got to be better than the head-in-the-sand approach.

29th September, 2021 | Limited Companies

As Sunak’s sights are set on your stash, it’s financially better to go with 'BADR' while it’s still intact.

30th September, 2020 | Limited Companies

Fancy using your own redundancy cash to fund your PSC’s winding-up? No, we didn’t think so -- yet offers abound.

26th May, 2020 | MVL

Cancelling salary, and then even the company, looks the safest tax path for a cyber security expert.

12th November, 2019 | Umbrella Companies

Wait-and-see post-Budget (whenever that might be) still seems the wisest move.

29th October, 2019 | Limited Companies