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For more than a decade Hiscox have offered specialist professional indemnity insurance to IT contractors. Their understanding of the industry enables them to provide broader protection than many standard professional indemnity policies. Cyber and data, public liability and office insurance (as well as other products) are also available.

Author Content

As a contractor, it's up to you to ensure that you have measures in place to protect your business against risks. 

30th September, 2022 | Insurance

The new off-payroll rules may mean more contractors are treated as employees of the companies hiring them in the taxman’s eyes, but that doesn’t mean you won’t need your own insurance policy.

23rd September, 2019 | Private Sector IR35 Reform

Provides financial protection for your company and is designed to meet the cost of defending claims made against you, including damages that may become payable.

PII Quote

You can also find out more about run-off cover for Professional Indemnity Insurance here.

1st December, 2015 | Insurance