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Hannah Morrison

Hannah is a Senior Associate Solicitor in the employment team at Brabners. She qualified as a solicitor in 2016, having trained at Brabners since 2014, and has been advising contractors, recruiters and end-hirers throughout that time. Hannah is part of Brabners’ specialist recruitment sector team which provides advice on issues affecting contractors and recruiters as well as advising on matters including umbrella arrangements, the Agency Worker Regulations and NMW investigations.

Author Content

Four big clues on when providers shouldn’t be touched with a bargepole.

3rd August, 2022 | Umbrella Companies

An overview of the four fundamental rights that umbrella company employees are guaranteed in law.

14th July, 2022 | Umbrella Companies

Get to know the four key contractual sections that form your agreement with an umbrella company.

29th June, 2022 | Umbrella Companies

Knowing a fettered right won’t deliver is among the takeaways of a new courier case for PSCs trying to avoid IR35.

Contractors are shoulder to shoulder with staff when it comes to the grounds to refuse extending their arms.

The extended CJRS is broadly just more of the same, but its few softer edges may help some limited company directors.

4th November, 2020 | Coronavirus

Despite the claims of London eateries, having a multi-person business meeting over lunch isn’t within the spirit of the law.

The bolt-on to the furlough scheme successor stating ‘salary’ and ‘premises’ suggests atypical workers are out.

22nd October, 2020 | Coronavirus

Furlough fraud? There’d be much less risk if even us experts could count which CJRS version we’re now on.

13th August, 2020 | Coronavirus