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Gareth Wilcox

Gareth Wilcox is a Partner and Licensed Insolvency Practitioner with Opus Restructuring & Insolvency.  As well as heading up Opus’ Birmingham office, he oversees the solvent restructuring team and has significant experience in this area

Author Content

The idea that the former midfielder can take the ban (not the ball) on the chin (not his head), is probably wishful thinking.

The taxman is now seeking to recover covid cash from PSC directors, personally, even where they took advice, professionally.

The cost-of-living crisis is providing fertile conditions for director loan accounts to become overdrawn.

26th September, 2023 | Limited Companies

Officials are putting the relative permissiveness of the past to bed by getting tough on all PSC operators.

As if defaulting wasn’t problem enough, you might not know if your BBL lender has just made things even worse for you.

14th June, 2023 | Money

How just £6,000 as their new Capital Gains Tax annual exemption will kick already limping limited company directors.

13th April, 2023 | Limited Companies

Three tests to take if you fear your PSC might soon follow the 76% rise in registered company insolvencies.

8th February, 2023 | Limited Companies

For being more limited than limited companies feared, Hunt’s CGT reforms are a bit of a let-off for small, entrepreneurial businesses.

What contractor-directors should and shouldn’t do when lending cash to their business.

4th October, 2022 | Limited Companies

Potentially due to feature at Spring Statement, RLS is open until June -- pending a change of heart from the chancellor today.

23rd March, 2022 | Limited Companies

Claims that it's correct to withhold money to an ‘accounts overdue’ company just don’t add up.

17th January, 2022 | Limited Companies

Limited companies rising from their predecessors’ ashes is going to be a growing business. Not that you should want any part of it.

25th November, 2021 | Limited Companies

An overview of the options if you, your business or your client will join the many heading for collapse before 2022.

11th November, 2021 | Limited Companies

Help for distressed directors will wind-up on Sep 30th, yet the floodgates shouldn’t wash over you on Oct 1st.

21st September, 2021 | Limited Companies

Insolvency doesn’t stop contractors acting for another firm – but beware restrictions enforced with the threat of jailtime.

11th August, 2021 | Limited Companies

Nothing online stopping the disqualified from registering means surname alterations aren’t necessary.

3rd August, 2021 | Limited Companies

Overview for limited company workers on becoming bankrupt and the implications.

21st July, 2021 | Money

Overview for contractors of the document behind putting a limited company into compulsory liquidation.

13th July, 2021 | Limited Companies

An extension of insolvency measures looks like the government’s last covid support hurray.

8th July, 2021 | Limited Companies

Pandemic or not, either your limited company’s distribution to yourself was due or it wasn’t.